London, 1868. The Industrial Revolution brought an incredible era. The technology that was once considered impossible has changed the lives of countless people. The countless opportunities that have emerged in this era are driving people to flock to London to join this new world. This is a world no longer ruled by kings, emperors, politicians, or religions, but replaced by a new ruler: money. But not everyone can benefit from this prosperity. Despite using their own lives to fuel the engine of the British Empire's progress, the lives of workers were hardly better than those of slaves, and their hard work was exploited and exploited by a very small number of upper class people. Being penniless and dying young. The lower classes united in a new form of resistance - gangs. They struggled to survive and turned to living in the underground world. Afterwards, vigilant assassins came to their side and reignited a war involving the ancient struggles of the rulers of London. Until that moment, a tumultuous wave of resistance from the underground world that would resound throughout modern history began.
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