

[动作冒险] 塞尔达传说:旷野之息/The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

发表于 2022-4-14 19:26:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
塞尔达传说:旷野之息/The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/薩爾達傳說:曠野之息//最终全包版[原版]+金手指+大型MOD

Hǎi lā lǔ wángguó de lìshǐ shì yī bù cóng yuǎngǔ shídài kāishǐ, biàn jiēlián méngshòu gài nóng zhè yī zāi è rùqīn de lìshǐ. Zāi è gài nóng shì tàigǔ shídài, zài hǎi lā lǔ dànshēng de mówáng, tā huà wéi yuànniàn de zītài, měi gé yīduàn shíjiān biàn huì fùhuó. Měi dào nà shí, yǒngyǒu yǒngzhě zhī hún de rén jiù huì hé jìchéngle nǚshén zhī xuè de shénshèng gōngzhǔ yīqǐ wèi hǎi lā lǔ duóhuí hépíng. Yuǎngǔ zǔxiān céng zhìzào néng bèi rénlèi suǒ cāokòng, jùyǒu yěshòu wàibiǎo de sìzuò jùdà shénshòu hé jùyǒu zìwǒ yìshí yǔ dírén zhàndòu de kuǐlěi——shǒuhù zhě. Chí yǒu fēngyìn zhī lì de wángshì gōngzhǔ hé bèi qū mó zhī jiàn xuǎnzhōng de qíshì, tāmen céng zài yáoyuǎn de tàigǔ shídài, yǔ shénshòu hé fángwèi zhěmen yītóng fēngyìn gài nóng. Rán'ér yībǎi nián qián de mǒu yītiān, hǎi lā lǔ wángguó de zhānbǔ shī liú xiàle yīgè yùyán shuō:“Gěi dàdì dài lái zāi è de gài nóng yǒule kāishǐ fùhuó de qiánzhào, kěshì fǎnkàng gài nóng de lìliàng réng chén mián yú dàdì.” Hǎi lā lǔ wángguó de rénmín yě mófǎng zǔxiān chūzhèn duìkàng. Cóng hǎi lā lǔ xuǎn chū jùyǒu yōuxiù nénglì de sì gèrén, jiāo yóu tāmen cāokòng shénshòu, bìng zhǎodào bèi qū mó zhī jiàn xuǎnzhōng de qíshì lín kè. Jiēzhe tuīxuǎn gōngzhǔ sài ěr dá wèi lǐngdǎo zhě, qíyú wǔ rénwéi yīngjié, gǒnggù lìliàng. Zài gōngzhǔ hé wǔ yīngjié qí jù yītáng zhī xià, yuánběn yìng gāi néng fēngyìn zāi è cái duì, dànshì jiǎohuá de gài nóng què cóng hǎilā'ěr chéngbǎo dì dìxià shēn chù fùhuó, kòngzhìle fángwèi zhě hé sì shénshòu bìng xíjí huílái. Chéngzhèn jūmín hé cāokòng shénshòu de yīngjié sàngmìng, lín kèyě wèile bǎohù gōngzhǔ ér shāng zhòng dào xià, hǎi lā lǔ wángguó bèi gài nóng huǐmièle. Yóuxì kāishǐ jièmiàn yóuxì kāishǐ jièmiàn (3 zhāng) dànshì, xìngcún xiàlái de gōngzhǔ, zài zuìhòu shíkè shìfàngle fēngyìn zhī lì, jiāng bèi xuǎnzhōng de qíshì lín kè sòngchūle chéngbǎo, zhǐ shèng zìjǐ tǐngshēn duìkàngzhe gài nóng, yóuyú gōngzhǔ yīrén de lìliàng bùzú yǐ xiāomiè gài nóng, zuìhòu bùdé bù jiāng zìjǐ yǔ gài nóng yītóng xiànzhì zài chéngbǎo zhōng. Gāi zuò gùshì fāshēng zài hǎi lā lǔ wángguó mièwáng de yībǎi nián hòu, wánjiā bànyǎn de lín kè zài dìxià yíjī sūxǐng, dàn què shīqùle yīqiè jìyì, ěr biān shí'ér xiǎngqǐ jì shúxī yòu mòshēng de shēngyīn, zhǐyǐnzhe lín kè kāishǐle xīn de màoxiǎn zhī lǚ. Lín kè zhǐdé zài màoxiǎn zhōng chóng shí jìyì bìng zuìzhōng qù wánchéng shǔyú zìjǐ yībǎi nián qián de shǐmìng.
The history of the Hyrule Kingdom is a history that has been invaded by Ganon one after another since ancient times. Calamity Ganon is a demon king born in Hyrule in the ancient times. He turns into a grudge and will be resurrected every once in a while. At that time, those who have the soul of the hero and the holy princess who inherited the blood of the goddess will regain peace for Hyrule.
The ancient ancestors once created four huge mythical beasts with the appearance of beasts that could be manipulated by humans, and a puppet with self-awareness to fight the enemy - the guardian. The royal princess who holds the power of sealing and the knight chosen by the sword of exorcism used to seal Ganon together with the divine beasts and defenders in the distant ancient times.
However, one day a hundred years ago, the fortune-teller of Hyrule Kingdom left a prophecy saying: "Ganon, who brought disaster to the earth, has a sign of resurrection, but the power of rebellion against Ganon is still dormant. The earth." The people of Hyrule Kingdom also imitated their ancestors to fight. Select four people with excellent abilities from Hyrule, let them control the divine beast, and find the knight Link selected by the sword of exorcism. Then the princess Zelda was elected as the leader, and the remaining five were heroes to consolidate their power. When the princess and the five heroes gathered together, they should have been able to seal the disaster, but the cunning Ganon was resurrected from the depths of the Hyrule Castle, controlled the defenders and the four divine beasts and attacked back. The townspeople and the hero who controlled the divine beast were killed, Link also fell seriously injured to protect the princess, and the Kingdom of Hyrule was destroyed by Ganon.
game start screen
Game start interface (3 photos)
However, the surviving princess released the power of the seal at the last moment and sent the selected knight Link out of the castle, leaving only herself to stand up against Ganon. Because the strength of the princess alone was not enough to destroy Ganon, she finally had to Confine yourself to the castle with Ganon.
The story takes place one hundred years after the fall of the Hyrule Kingdom. Link, played by the player, wakes up in the underground ruins, but he has lost all his memories. From time to time, familiar and unfamiliar voices sound in his ears, guiding Link to start. A new adventure. Link had to regain his memory in the adventure and finally complete the mission that belonged to him a hundred years ago.

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林可儿 女主 全身 果体
大精灵 全身 果体
武器 弓箭 盾牌 无限耐久度
DLC+特殊服装 防御力大量增加
盾牌滑行无阻力 只要不是上坡都可以全程滑行
整合金手指加强版 增加武器 道具刷取
几乎加了 所有普通服装+DLC服装的外观 美化
怪物猎人 冰龙+火龙系列 武器 服装
假面骑士 摩托
越野车 摩托
马里奥 系列 库巴小BOSS
雷神锤 系列 装备
海绵宝宝 盾+派大星武器系列 装备
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守护者 镰刀 军刀武器
守护者武器 星球大战光剑系列
托马斯小火车 系列 改巨马生物
巴斯光年 玩具总动员 装备
古代系列装备 电锯武器
异度之刃 系列 辅助 武器
忍者刺客 套装
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战神奎爷 镰刀+斧子 装备
滑板X2两款 配合无限耐久 想怎么滑怎么滑 舒服


3.4.1A版本 新增加内容:增加动物朋友MOD
增加无限刷克洛洛果实指定地点(再也不用到处找了 一个地点直接刷)为了不影响平衡 仅我自己用的,至于在哪里地点自己发掘


mod毒娘链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nD6L4V9a3qJz4TtgTpLUzQ

提取码: wy5d

MOD使用方法 下载里面有说明.















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