

[动作冒险] 生化危机3:重制版/Resident Evil 3: Remake/恶灵古堡3:重制版

发表于 2022-5-31 19:11:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
生化危机3:重制版/Resident Evil 3: Remake/恶灵古堡3:重制版

系统Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
Intel Core i5-4460 / AMD FX-6300
内存8 GB
显卡NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760

《生化危机3:重制版》是一款由CAPCOM开发的恐怖游戏,已于2020年4月3日登陆 PC 和 PS4 以及X BOX ONE。原版《RESIDENT EVIL 3: Nemesis》于1999年9月发售,累计销量达350万套(截至2019年9月30日)。
与前作《RESIDENT EVIL 2》相同,故事的舞台为浣熊市,一场空前绝后的生物危害席卷了城市,描绘了其爆发前及结束的详情。主角吉儿·瓦伦丁和对她穷追不舍的追迹者(Nemesis T型)上演了一场生死逃亡,体现了生存恐怖游戏的全新可能性——“被追杀的恐怖”。
在本作《RESIDENT EVIL 3》中,将以现在的游戏机才能提供的高品质,鲜明刻画了逐渐演变成丧尸之城的浣熊市。
“Shēnghuà wéijī 3: Zhòng zhìbǎn” shì yī kuǎn yóu CAPCOM kāifā de kǒngbù yóuxì, yǐ yú 2020 nián 4 yuè 3 rì dēnglù PC hé PS4 yǐjí X BOX ONE. Yuánbǎn “RESIDENT EVIL 3: Nemesis” yú 1999 nián 9 yuè fāshòu, lěijì xiāoliàng dá 350 wàn tào (jiézhì 2019 nián 9 yuè 30 rì). Yǔ qiánzuò “RESIDENT EVIL 2” xiāngtóng, gùshì de wǔtái wèi huànxióng shì, yī chǎng kōngqiánjuéhòu de shēngwù wéihài xíjuǎnle chéngshì, miáohuìle qí bàofā qián jí jiéshù de xiángqíng. Zhǔjiǎo jí er·wǎ lún dīng hé duì tā qióng zhuī bù shě de zhuī jī zhě (Nemesis T xíng) shàngyǎnle yī chǎng shēngsǐ táowáng, tǐxiànle shēngcún kǒngbù yóuxì de quánxīn kěnéng xìng——“bèi zhuī shā de kǒngbù”. Zài běn zuò “RESIDENT EVIL 3” zhōng, jiāng yǐ xiànzài de yóuxì jī cáinéng tígōng de gāo pǐnzhí, xiānmíng kèhuàle zhújiàn yǎnbiàn chéng sàngshī zhī chéng de huànxióng shì.

Resident Evil 3: Remastered is a horror game developed by CAPCOM, which will be released on PC, PS4 and X BOX ONE on April 3, 2020. The original "RESIDENT EVIL 3: Nemesis" was released in September 1999, with cumulative sales of 3.5 million units (as of September 30, 2019).
Like its predecessor, RESIDENT EVIL 2, the story is set in Raccoon City, where an unprecedented biohazard has swept the city, depicting details before and after its outbreak. The protagonist Jill Valentine and the stalker (Nemesis T-Type) who pursues her have staged a life-and-death escape that embodies a whole new possibility for survival horror games - "the horror of being hunted."
In this work "RESIDENT EVIL 3", with the high quality that the current game consoles can provide, the Raccoon City, which has gradually evolved into a city of zombies, will be vividly portrayed.

下载地址:生化危机3 ———— BuildId5269288中英文重制完美收藏版

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