

[动作冒险] 噬神者 3 v2.50全DLC中日英文收藏硬盘版

发表于 2022-11-18 08:16:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

噬神者3是万代南梦宫发行的一款末世启示录风格的动作游戏 ,游戏讲述公元2078年,人类沿着衰落的道路前进,并发布了一场大规模的战争,主角为一名新的噬神者,将和自己的伙伴在限制区域内投入战斗的故事。

God Eater 3 is an action game in the style of apocalyptic apocalypse released by Nanmeng Palace. The game tells the story that in 2078 AD, human beings moved along the road of decline, and released a large-scale war. The main character is a new God Eater, who will fight with his partner in the restricted area.

下载地址:噬神者 3 ———— v2.50全DLC中日英文收藏硬盘版


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