

[角色扮演] 勇者斗恶龙11S:寻觅逝去的时光-决定/中文/全包整合即撸...

发表于 2022-4-17 13:52:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本作诉说一位勇者遭到追杀的故事,剧情相当吸引人,也是粉丝多年苦苦等候的角色扮演游戏。此为该系列游戏制作人堀井雄二、人物设计鸟山明与作曲家山浩一等人的最新力作。《勇者斗恶龙 XI》是广受好评的游戏系列正宗第 11 代,将给予玩家完全不同的游戏体验,搭配全新角色、华丽细致的世界观、精致协调的回合制战斗以及引人入胜的故事情节,让死忠粉丝与新入坑的玩家都能深受吸引。《勇者斗恶龙 XI》在日本推出后,随即赢得多项游戏大奖与评论赞赏,包括Fami 通(日本知名电玩出版社)40/40的满分评价。
Běn zuò sùshuō yī wèi yǒngzhě zāo dào zhuī shā de gùshì, jùqíng xiāngdāng xīyǐn rén, yěshì fěnsī duōnián kǔ kǔ děnghòu de juésè bànyǎn yóuxì. Cǐ wéi gāi xìliè yóuxìzhìzuò rén kūjǐng xióng'èr, rénwù shèjì niǎo shān míng yǔ zuòqǔ jiāshān hàoyī děng rén de zuìxīn lìzuò.“Yǒngzhě dòu è lóng XI” shì guǎng shòu hǎopíng de yóuxì xìliè zhèngzōng dì 11 dài, jiāng jǐyǔ wánjiā wánquán bùtóng de yóuxì tǐyàn, dāpèi quánxīn juésè, huálì xì zhì de shìjièguān, jīngzhì xiétiáo de huíhé zhì zhàndòu yǐjí yǐnrénrùshèng de gùshì qíngjié, ràng sǐ zhōng fěnsī yǔ xīnrù kēng de wánjiā dōu néng shēn shòu xīyǐn.“Yǒngzhě dòu è lóng XI” zài rìběn tuīchū hòu, suíjí yíngdé duō xiàng yóuxì dàjiǎng yǔ pínglùn zànshǎng, bāokuò Fami tōng (rìběn zhīmíng diànwán chūbǎn shè)40/40 de mǎnfēn píngjià.
This game tells the story of a hero being chased and killed. The plot is quite attractive, and it is also a role-playing game that fans have been waiting for for many years. This is the latest masterpiece by Yuji Horii, the producer of this series of games, Akira Toriyama, the character designer, and Koichi Yama, the composer. Dragon Quest XI, the authentic 11th generation of the critically acclaimed game series, will give players a completely different gaming experience, with new characters, a gorgeous and detailed world view, exquisitely coordinated turn-based combat and an engaging storyline, making Die-hard fans and new entrants alike are alike. "Dragon Quest XI" immediately won a number of game awards and critical praise after its launch in Japan, including a perfect 40/40 rating from Famitsu (a well-known Japanese video game publisher).





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