

[动作冒险] 死或生6 v1.21中英文豪华整合DLC完整硬盘版

发表于 2022-10-11 23:29:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

《死或生6》是由光荣特库摩旗下工作室Team Ninja制作的一款动作格斗游戏,于2019年3月1日在PC、XboxOne、PS4平台发售,为《死或生》系列作品之一,是《死或生5》的续作。

Death or Life 6 is an action fighting game produced by Team Ninja, a studio of Glory Tekumo. It was sold on PC, XboxOne and PS4 platforms on March 1, 2019. It is one of the series of works of Death or Life and the sequel of Death or Life 5.

在故事剧情中,巨大综合企业DOATEC举行了第6届DEAD OR ALIVE格斗大会,与此同时故事也将迈向新的展开。霞、绫音、龙隼、疾风等玩家所熟悉的角色,还有迪亚哥等新角色们的参战。

In the story, DOATEC, a giant comprehensive enterprise, held the 6th DEAD OR ALIVE Fighting Conference, and at the same time, the story will move towards a new start. Xia, Ayin, Dragon Falcon, Breeze and other characters familiar to players, as well as new characters such as Diego.



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