

[动作冒险] 无双大蛇3:终极版 v1.08中英文豪华整合DLC完整硬盘版

发表于 2022-10-4 23:22:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

《无双大蛇3:终极版》是光荣特库摩名下工作室ω-Force开发的一款动作角色扮演游戏,于2019年12月19日发行,为《无双大蛇3》的加强版。 [1-2]
Unrivalled Snake 3: The Ultimate is a studio under the name of Glory Tekumo ω- An action role-playing game developed by Force, released on December 19, 2019, is an enhanced version of the Unmatched Snake 3. [1-2]

This work complements the plot story and several new models that are not shown in Unmatched Snake 3, and also introduces new characters. And the unsolved mysteries left in "Unmatched Snake 3" will also surface.

下载地址:无双大蛇3:终极版 v1.08中英文豪华整合DLC完整硬盘版


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