

[射击游戏] 幽灵行动:荒野 Build4073014全DLC中英文收藏硬盘版

发表于 2022-9-25 10:24:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《幽灵行动:荒野》由育碧巴黎工作室开发,是一款支持4人合作或单人游戏的第三人称军事射击游戏。是《幽灵行动》系列游戏的第六部,游戏于2017年3月7日发行。 [1]
“Yōulíng xíngdòng: Huāngyě” yóu yù bì bālí gōngzuò shì kāifā, shì yī kuǎn zhīchí 4 rén hézuò huò dān rén yóuxì de dì sānrénchēng jūnshì shèjí yóuxì. Shì “yōulíng xíngdòng” xìliè yóuxì de dì liù bù, yóuxì yú 2017 nián 3 yuè 7 rì fāxíng. [1] “Yōulíng xíngdòng: Huāngyě” shì gēnjù měiguó jūnshì zuòjiā tāngmǔ·kè lán xī de xiǎoshuō jùběn “pòqiè de wéijī” gǎibiān ér chéng. Wánjiā jiāng tànsuǒ jù jīn jǐ nián zhīhòu, yǐ bōlìwéiyǎ wèi yuánxíng de xūnǐ shìjiè, cǎiyòng rènhé bìyào de shǒuduàn chèdǐ qīngchú shèng bù lán kǎ dúpǐn hēibāng, shēnrù díhòu, zhuībǔ mùbiāo bìng fājué qíngbào, tuīfān zhěnggè hēibāng zǔzhī, bìng zuìzhōng miàn duì shèng bù lán kǎ zuì lěngxuè de tóumù ElSueño(èmèng).
Ghost Recon: Wildlands, developed by Ubisoft Paris, is a third-person military shooter that supports 4-player co-op or single-player. The sixth installment in the Ghost Recon series was released on March 7, 2017. [1]
"Ghost Recon: Wilderness" is based on the American military writer Tom Clancy's novel screenplay "The Imminent Crisis". Players will explore a virtual world based on Bolivia a few years ago, use any necessary means to completely eliminate the Santa Blanca drug gang, go deep behind enemy lines, hunt down targets and discover intelligence, overthrow the entire gang organization, and finally face the San Blanca drug gang. El Sueño (Nightmare), Blanca's coldest leader.

下载地址:幽灵行动:荒野 Build4073014全DLC中英文收藏硬盘版


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