

[射击游戏] 光环:士官长合集 Build 5702068中英文收藏硬盘版

发表于 2022-9-12 22:27:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这六部作品将按剧情前后顺序逐步发行,见证从《光环:致远星》中英勇盖世的Noble 6,到《光环4》中新敌人的崛起。玩家可随心所欲体验士官长史诗传奇的壮阔之旅。
2021年2月13日,游戏《光环》的开发商343 Industries在博客文章中宣布:《光环:士官长合集》的下一次测试于2021年2月18日启动。
“Guānghuán: Shìguān zhǎng héjí” bāohán liù kuǎn guānghuán xìliè yóuxì. Yú 2019 nián 12 yuè 4 rì zhèngshì dēnglù PC píngtái. Héjí nèi suǒ bāohán de liù kuǎn yóuxì, jiāng zhúbù tuīchū, yǐ “guānghuán: Zhìyuǎn xīng” zuòwéi shǒufā yóuxì, zài 2020 nián yǐ “guānghuán 4” shōu guān. Zhè liùbù zuòpǐn jiāng àn jùqíng qiánhòu shùnxù zhúbù fāxíng, jiànzhèng cóng “guānghuán: Zhìyuǎn xīng” zhōng yīngyǒng gàishì de Noble 6, dào “guānghuán 4” zhōng xīn dírén de juéqǐ. Wánjiā kě suíxīnsuǒyù tǐyàn shìguān zhǎng shǐshī chuánqí de zhuàngkuò zhī lǚ. 2021 Nián 2 yuè 13 rì, yóuxì “guānghuán” de kāifā shāng 343 Industries zài bókè wénzhāng zhōng xuānbù:“Guānghuán: Shìguān zhǎng héjí” de xià yīcì cèshì yú 2021 nián 2 yuè 18 rì qǐdòng.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection includes six games from the Halo series. It officially landed on the PC platform on December 4, 2019. The six games included in the collection will be rolled out gradually, starting with "Halo: Reach" and ending with "Halo 4" in 2020.
The six titles will be released in sequential order, from the heroic Noble 6 in Halo: Reach to the rise of a new enemy in Halo 4. Players can experience the epic journey of the Master Chief's epic saga as they wish.
On February 13, 2021, 343 Industries, the developer of the game Halo, announced in a blog post that the next beta for Halo: The Master Chief Collection will launch on February 18, 2021.

下载地址:光环:士官长合集 Build 5702068中英文收藏硬盘版


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