

[动作冒险] 往日不再——v1.0官方繁体中文完整硬盘版

发表于 2022-8-14 23:26:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

《往日不再》(Days Gone)是一款由 SCE 发行,Bend Studio 制作的开放世界动作冒险游戏。 [1]
该作背景设定在爆发世界性大规模疾病感染两年后的地球,玩家将扮演主角迪肯·圣约翰在社会秩序崩塌的美国艰难求生。一方面,要面对狂暴的受变异者和各种变异生物,另一方面又要小心幸存人类的尔虞我诈。 [9]
“Wǎngrì bù zài”(Days Gone) shì yī kuǎn yóu SCE fāxíng,Bend Studio zhìzuò de kāifàng shìjiè dòngzuò màoxiǎn yóuxì. [1] Gāi zuò bèijǐng shè dìng zài bàofā shìjiè xìng dà guīmó jíbìng gǎnrǎn liǎng nián hòu dì dìqiú, wánjiā jiāng bànyǎn zhǔjiǎo dí kěn·shèng yuēhàn zài shèhuì zhìxù bēngtā dì měiguó jiānnán qiúshēng. Yī fāngmiàn, yào miàn duì kuángbào de shòu biànyì zhě hé gè zhǒng biànyì shēngwù, lìng yī fāngmiàn yòu yào xiǎoxīn xìngcún rénlèi de ěryúwǒzhà. [9] Gāi zuò yǔ 2019 nián 04 yuè 26 rì fāshòu.
Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game published by SCE and produced by Bend Studio. [1]
The background of the game is set on the earth two years after the outbreak of a large-scale disease in the world. Players will play the protagonist Deacon St. John and struggle to survive in the United States where the social order has collapsed. On the one hand, we have to face violent mutants and various mutant creatures, and on the other hand, we must be careful to survive the intrigues of human beings. [9]
The game will be released on April 26, 2019.


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