《对马岛之魂》是由美国Sucker Punch工作室开发的一部开放世界动作冒险类游戏。 [1-2]游戏于2017年的法国巴黎游戏展公布,于2020年7月17日由索尼的PlayStation 4平台发行。 [3]
Soul of Tsushima "is an open world action adventure game developed by the American Sukker Punch studio. [1-2] The game was announced at the 2017 Paris Game Show in France and was released on July 17, 2020 on Sony's PlayStation 4 platform. [3]
故事发生在1274年,那时的日本武士是日本强力的守护者,而蒙古人此时通过对马岛大举入侵日本。玩家们扮演的主角境井仁是一位镰仓幕府的武士,这位武士要竭尽所能从蒙古帝国手中保卫自己的祖国。 [7]
The story takes place in 1274, when Japanese samurai were the strong guardians of Japan, and the Mongols invaded Japan on a large scale through Tsushima Island. The protagonist played by the players, Yasuhito Kajii, is a samurai of the Kamakura shogunate who must do everything in his power to defend his homeland from the Mongol Empire. [7]
游戏发行后,获游戏媒体Fami通满分评价 [4]。2020年11月13日,游戏销量突破500万份,创下索尼第一方在PS4的原创新IP独占游戏销售速度最快的新纪录 [5]。2020年12月8日,获TGA2020“玩家之声”奖 [6]。2021年9月3日,《对马岛之魂》的多人模式“奇谭模式”独立发售,全新的对抗赛模式也同步更新 [26]。
After the game was released, it received a perfect score from game media Famitsu. On November 13, 2020, game sales exceeded 5 million copies, setting a new record for the fastest sales speed of Sony's first party original new IP exclusive games on PS4. On December 8, 2020, won the TGA2020 "Player Voice" award. On September 3, 2021, the multiplayer mode "Qitan Mode" of "Soul of Tsushima" was independently released, and a new competitive mode was also updated simultaneously.
2024年3月,Playstation官方宣布《对马岛之魂:导演剪辑版》将于5月16日登陆PC平台 [29]。
In March 2024, PlayStation officially announced that "Soul of Tsushima: Director's Cut" would be released on the PC platform on May 16th.
下载地址:对马岛之魂:导演剪辑版——v1053.0.0515.2048中英文硬盘版【ACT→ 41.8G】